MAMA Programmes

Making Sense
Group Coaching

Time for YOU

Our five-week foundational, self-development programme encourages curiosity, and enables you to make good choices for you and your family.

Being in community with others provides an affordable way of accessing effective coaching, and as you build greater self-awareness and inner resources, we also gather information that will be useful for your future decision-making.

It creates time for you to acknowledge your needs, and celebrate all that you are.


How will it help?

This programme gives you the permission to switch off from the day to day and take stock of where you are and what you want from life.

We focus on some of the key pillars of coaching: identifying our strengths, our values, our beliefs and our needs.

You may have an idea for a new business, a change of direction or a return to work. MAMA gives you the support and space to create change, whilst equipping you with the self-belief and energy to make them happen.

Is it for me?

Have you lost sense of direction – and want some clarity about where you are, right now?

Have you put other people’s needs first, possibly to the detriment of your own wellbeing?

Are you curious about what is possible?

Do you want to rekindle your self-belief and do something different, and brilliant, in your world?

Then we can help.

How is it structured?

In a small group of up to 12 women we cultivate confidence and pride in who you are and what you want from life.

Over the course of five sessions we provide space for discussion, reflection and gentle challenge and activities to unlock and expand your thinking.

What does it cost?

5 x 2 hr 15 min group sessions, supporting workbook & journal, email support throughout.

If you have questions book in a free chat with us.

Book your space with us here.

2022/3 Programme Dates

5 Sessions, once a week

Wednesday evenings 7pm – 9.15pm

Autumn term: September 21, 28 & October 5, 12, 19
Spring term: January 11, 18, 25 & February 1, 8
Summer term: April 19, 26 & May 3, 10, 17



“This programme really helps in building confidence, finding clarity and most of all some space to invest in

you! I felt incredibly supported, heard, validated and understood at all times. Through the

exercises I was able to gain some clarity and understanding of my own needs.”

Kate, Counsellor & Mother


“Being surrounded by strong women, with such different stories, backgrounds and visions, has been amazing”

Rhiannon, Civil Servant & Mother

“Mama Coaching is the most worthwhile investment I've made. Run by women for women who understand the demands of motherhood and the complex emotions and challenges we face.”

Torie, Career Changer and Mother


If you want to feel part of a community of extraordinary women, come and join us.